New Wood-Aluminum Window

New Wood-Aluminum Window


“To protect the wood, nature has created the bark, a metal shield protects your wooden bollard”

Why Choose an Aluminum Wood Door? There are 6 motivations that satisfy this question.
1) THERMIC INSULATION: The thermal coexistence of wood is by its nature so as to significantly reduce the energy requirements for winter heating and cooling in summer. Wood does not overheat by summer sunlight and improves thermal insulation during the winter months.
2) ACOUSTIC INSULATION: The wooden frame of the windows has no hollow parts inside it as in metal or PVC windows, this feature is very important for improving acoustic insulation.
3) ECOSOSTENIBILITY: Wood is a natural material, in the process of transforming into lamellar profile no toxic substance or harmful waste is produced for the environment. The energy needed to get the finished product about 300 kWh / t is very modest compared to that required for other building materials (3,500 kWh / t for steel and 72,500 kWh / t for aluminum) .
4) CELEBRATING COMFORT: Health in your home. The use of wood involves reducing the limits of sources of internal pollution that alter the air quality, produce artificial electromagnetic fields or create harmful emissions, wood allows the structure to remain in conditions of maximum biothermal permeability.
5) AESTHETICS: The interior wood integrates in harmony with the decor and improves the living comfort. The choice of a wide range of finishes meets every aesthetic need and is enriched on request by a wood treatment that enhances the beauty of the veins to give the wood an aspect that is particularly well suited to environments where you want to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
6) OUTDOOR ALUMINUM COATING: Outside aluminum prevents any kind of maintenance and makes water and air tightness optimally, giving the customer and / or designer the opportunity to express themselves with new shapes and colors.

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